Biographies have been found to have been written as far back as 5BC and beyond, originally with the intention of praising the person being written - as in 'Life of Evagoras' which was written by Isocrates. This format soon gave way to church-oriented biographies with important people within the Church, later replaced on the British royal family in ancient biographies - Real Stories of kings and queens who lived during the Middle Ages. This period of history also led to a variant of the traditional biography - that of the fictional biography as written by Sir Thomas Malory: 'Le Morte d'Arthur' on the life of the fictional King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.
Biographies began to develop over the centuries passed, and, starting from 18 th century, biography and autobiography became synonymous with the lives of people in the public eye. Samuel Johnson had much to do with the kind that allows biography of evolution, including stories and anecdotes rather than just as a chronicler of the life of a person. Meanwhile, split between English and appeared to represent his American counterpart, the second proposed by Thomas Carlyle. Carlyle said that the biography was an essential and necessary part of history and should be treated as such, eventually emerge with an identity all its own. Today biographies covered the lives of people in many other fields such as science, mathematics and technology, theater and performance art and sport 'staff.